Dernier Patch

Patch PES 5 Original Season

Credits: Fabri55 and AndreGranata91

Hello guys!
I don't know how much people still plays pes 5, but it is my favourite football game and it's about my favourite football season.
I'm an italian guy and 2006 means for me a happy time of my life.
2006 Germany world cup, a football era made of incredible players.
Defending was an art, scoring was an art, the midfield was a land for real men only.

Playing pes 5 is for me a set of beautiful sensations, so I decided to recreate the best possible atmosphere to represent this season.

I made an insane work on the option file, updated to 2006 January with great precision. Free agents players are future youngstars, converted from Football Manager 2006.
I assigned litterally every possible face into kitserver.

In these months I found help from @Andregranata91, italian like me. He took an old ps2 patch and converted Italian Serie B kits.
This was another hard job, but it allowed us to put four italian serie B teams into the game and so it is finally possibile to play a master league with two completeley italian divisions.
For me it's simply fantastic.
Editing alone is difficult. The presence of Andre gave me many reasons to continue this work.

Anyway, this patch it's not only for italian fans. I made lots of searches to recreate good rosters, faces and tactics for other leagues too.
Obviously there are other nice curiosities but you will discover them only by trying this patch.

We are very satisfied with what we are doing and we would like to share it with you.

It is necessary to specify that we use some text files from FLS patch and kits from older patches.
@FootballerPOMAH gave me great inspiration with his videos and his passion for the retro PES.
Without FLS patch I think I wouldn't rediscovered all the editing world.
You can use any file you want to modify your fls patch. It would be an honor for me.

Téléchargement : Part 1 - Part 2 - Part 3